Mister Hizzle Welcomes All

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Saturday, June 16, 2007


Many people have asked me where I come up with the different sayings, lingo, etc that I use on a daily basis. Well I am about to give you the history of B Lee's vernacular...

It all began a couple years ago. I was innocently enough listening to one of my favorite rapper's, snoop doggy dogg, and I came across a great line from one of his songs. It was as follows: "fo shizzle nizzle, its the big neptizzle"

I thought it was really neat how snoop put "izzle" on certain lyrics he used in his songs. This was something that really interested me. I started thinking about different ways to use this. I began just putting every letter of the alphabet in front of "izzle" and seeing what came of it. Words like bizzle, hizzle, dizzle, trizzle all sounded pretty cool to me. Over time I tried to think of words that went in conjunction. This is where the infamous "hizzle, hazzle, trizzle, trazzle" surfaced. Another idea that came to me was to add "ster" to various words. For example if one wanted to take a nap you would say the individual was partaking in a napster. Over time words were created by myself and friends that gave us a way to bond and having a fun way of communicating. I am now going to share some words from our current vocabulary. Enjoy!

1) yes sir dawg (ysd)-a way of responding in the affirmative to a friend.

2) hizzle hazzle trizzle trazzle (hiz haz triz traz)-can be used in a variety of ways. mostly used at the end of a statement or to illicit a response from a friend.

3)mister maybach-was coined when Gilbert Arenas decided to buy his father a maybach. the word is used when talking to someone who is looking to be on a path to wealth and riches.

4) wise-coined by the associate David. named for a character from the LeBrons. currently the name for the associate David.

5) business(biz)-coined by the associate David. named for a character from the LeBrons.currently the nickname for the associate Bronson.

6) sir dawg sir-a term coined by the associate Victor. it is a way of giving any statement made that extra umph.

7) mister magee-a term that just came to my head. i really can't pinpoint where it originated. i just liked how it sounded. :)

8) caaap hook-a term used when a male or female is hooked by the opposite gender. whether its because of love, lust or whatever else the person has been hooked by captain hooks well known iron hook.

9) flipster-a term coined by the associate David. In reference to Ronald "Flip" Murray of the Detroit Pistons. a high riser(at times) as Kirk Hinrich knows...lol.

10) plates-coined when younger brother A was seen putting up numerous plates on the bench press.

11) my body is my temple-more of a phrase. coined by the younger brother of mr. lee when describing his physical speciment.

12) hibachi-word spoken when mr. arenas begins his fireworks display to the dismay of opposing players and coaches, notably the phoenix suns and the portland trailblazers.

13) smoke-has a few different meanings when used in different contexts. for example "i'm going to smoke you" can mean i am going to knock you out or leave you in the dust. the latter could be in a race or playing an individual one on one on a basketball court.

14) DTH-termed coined by Denis Kelleher meaning "drop the hammer" :)

Anyways I am always open to new vernacular. If you are creative and would like to add to the list by all means contribute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

we've left out the aformentioned vernacular
plates- coined when younger brother A was seen putting up numerous plates on the bench press
not so much a vernacular term but more so a phrase- "my body is my temple" again coined by the younger brother of mr. lee when describing his physical speciment
hibachi- word spoken when mr. arenas begins his fireworks display to the dismay of opposing players and coaches, notably the phoenix suns and the portland trailblazers