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Monday, June 25, 2007

The Originations of Tommy Franks

About 8 years ago another animal entered my life... I had already lived a life full of animals from birds, to cats, to rabbits, to hamsters, a parrot and I'm sure the list goes on and on. I just dont have the mind capacity available to remember each and every one. My mom just loves animals and now that there are no kids left in the house they are her "children" so more power to her.

This new animal had a few distinguishing characteristics. For one he was a dog...The other main features that he had were a huge head (thus his nickanme at times is head magee), white in color and a powerfully built body. Upon his entrance into my parents home at a few weeks old I knew this animal would decide to be the leader of the pack. My little brother named him Diesel for his muscular, well built frame. As time went on this name fit him very well.

One day we took Diesel to the local beach for an introduction to the ocean and sand. Diesel was calm at first but then he saw other dogs and he began leaping through the sand to get to them. At his young age it was easy to catch him and restrain him from saying "hello I'm Diesel, leave my beach" but I knew he was going to be a piece of work as time went on. Over and over that late afternoon he would leap after other dogs and we would have to catch him and bring him back to where we were...

As Diesel got older he took control of the household in more ways than one. For starters he beat up Princess, another dog of ours, so that for the rest of her life the two of them could not have any contact. One would be upstairs the other downstairs or outside in the backyard. Diesel also had a little brother named Phantom. He beat him up too. So he was now the "top dawg" in the house which he thoroughly enjoyed. Another way Diesel took control of the house was through eating. If my parents "forgot" to feed him on time he would ram his head into the couch repeatedly until his hunger was satisfied. One other way he shows his dominance is when he wants to sleep. He stretches out on the whole couch so Phantom has to sleep on the floor. Or if my Dad is on the couch that Diesel wants he will push him into the corner so he can stretch his large frame. When I visit Diesel will sleep in my bed which is always not the best thing...He repeatedly pushes me against the wall and leaves me very little room while he enjoys the comforts of life.

All in all Diesel is quite the dog and I love him. I have since began calling him Mister T. Franks as well b/c he runs the Martin household just like how Tommy Franks directed the U.S. troops in Iraq. Currently Diesel is still the leader of the Martin household. He believes if your not the leader of the pack the scenary never changes...

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