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Thursday, August 2, 2007


Welcome to Tim Donaghy's world... Granted he did have a great job. Being a referee in the NBA and interacting with superstars on a daily basis during the season is a once in a lifetime job for most people. A key saying that I was told when I was younger is "To whom much is given, much is expected" Well Timmy was given a great job and a lot was expected of him as an NBA referee. First and foremost he was expected to call games fairly without any type of bias. That's the root of his job...But recently in the news its been stated that he is being investigated by the FBI for allegations that he bet on games that he officiated over the past two seasons and that he made calls affecting the point spread in games. There is nothing worse in sport than someone cheating the system. Whether as a track and field athlete who takes performance enhancers to run faster, or a baseball player who tries to get an edge over the competition with the use of steroids. Any records that are broken in competition now are scrutinized to the fullest extent as you just don't know who is using performance enhancers and who is not.

Deep down I hope Tim Donaghy isn't guilty of cheating the system. But in reality I believe he is because why would the FBI go through all of this and have it hit the newswire if there wasn't credible evidence. It's sad that people will do such things for greed. Personally I feel if you have a decent life and can live comfortably and enjoy what life is all about then why do you have to be soo greedy? It's not like you can take that extra money to your grave. And is it worth public embarassment as well as the ridicule and hurt your family will receive as a result of your actions? I don't think so...Anyways it should be interesting to see how this story unfolds over time. It definitely is reality TV drama.

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