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Friday, July 4, 2008

Wedding at the Fronny Homestead

Last weekend I headed upstate New York to go to the wedding of one of my suitemates from freshman year at Cornell. It was a weekend that brought back together the Floor 4, suite 5 of Jamison Hall that came to be in the Fall of 2000. This group consisted of the individuals Dan Fronhofer (Fronny), Keith Jamison, Dave Mikulik, Brad Hilton and myself.

I met Dave at Penn Station on Saturday and was really excited to see him as I hadn't seen him in a couple years. After an initial greeting we started telling each other jokes and just goofing around on the subway on our way to meeting Keith in Brooklyn. It was just like old times, sort of like riding a bike, when we were exchanging stories and just catching up in general.

When we got to Brooklyn that morning seeing Keith brought a big smile to my face. I hadnt seen him in over four years and it was just really nice to see the formation of the group reunion taking form. Along with Keith and his girlfriend, we all headed upstate on our way to see Dan and to share in the celebration of his marriage to Melissa.

On the way upstate it was quite an interesting ride. Along the way we saw a kayak fall off of a vehicle. It was basically just laying in the middle of the road with the owner trying to manuever his way back to retrieve it. I then spoke to Dave about some new terms that I currently use. Ever since we were freshman at college the group of us always had funny terms/words that were the basis for inside jokes. It was all in good jest and was a way that we bonded at times. Fast forward to today and my co-workers have now taken part of my interest in coining terms for usage at times that just make us all laugh. Anyways I told Dave how I came up with word carpetbagger when describing someone who is dishonest. He replied, "so sorta of like a carpetbagger?" This began quite an interesting conversation which led to me posting a blog about scallywags and carpetbaggers recently. So by all means make a point to read and enjoy.

When we were nearing the Econolodge we were staying at close to Glens Falls it really brought back vivid memories of ten years ago when my high school basketball team took two trips upstate to play in the state and federation finals respectively. Basically gave me goosebumps seeing signs for Glens Falls etc and it also brought a smile to my face to remember those good times.
When we reached the Econolodge and saw Brad again it just made me plain ole smile. Brad was the first of my suitemates that I met and was just soo nice in helping me move in freshman year after my parents dropped me off at Cornell that Saturday afternoon. It was different to be living away from home for the first time in a new place and he really put me at ease that first day. Also we had a common bond in that his chinchilla liked to sleep in my bed at times lol. Anyways after we all caught up and dropped our stuff off it was off to the Fronny Homestead in Fort Edward for the big day!

It was really scenic on our way to Fronny's house. Rolling hills and just soo much green around made it seem like such a peaceful place and one where relaxation would be enjoyable. When we reached Dan's place it was really cool to see. I really enjoyed the bar Dan's dad had built in the back behind the house. It was rustic in a sense from what you would see out of a western movie but to experience one in person that was such a cool thing. Seeing Dan was awesome. I hadn't seen him since graduation as well and it was nice to see him on his wedding day and to share in his special day with Melissa.
It felt soo good to finally have the whole group back together again. Conversing with one another was just like second nature and it really just felt like yesterday that we all were back at Cornell hanging out and enjoying ourselves together. The wedding was great. Sharing the day with the guys that were my first support group and group of friends at Cornell and seeing the first of us get married was priceless.

After leaving the wedding and saying goodbye to Dan and Melissa late that night we headed back to the Econolodge where we were all starving. Nothing was open except for Taco Bell. So off we went to get some food before we went to sleep. Eating and just hanging out before heading off to sleep was soo enjoyable as it was something the group of us hadn't done in more than 4 years.

As we headed back to our lives as they currently are we all made a pact that once a year we need to get together for that Jamison Hall, Floor 4, Suite 5, Class of 2000 reunion. After Keith dropped Dave and I off at the PATH station in Jersey and Dave's train came I just smiled and told him we'll definitely be hanging again soon.

Life sometimes takes you in directions you never would have expected. But being able to relive memories and good times with friends is priceless and personally having Dan, Dave, Brad and Keith as a part of my live from the onset of college until now has been really special and is something I will always value going forward. Thanks guys.

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