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Tuesday, July 1, 2008

USA Basketball

Soo... The time is year for the USA Men's basketball team to show the world if they have what it takes to bring home the gold from Beijing. It will be very interesting in my opinion. The USA team has a great nucleus of players like Lebron ,Kobe, Melo, D Wade, D Howard. However, who knows how they will perform when the game is on the line and they are in a tough battle.

I think the team will win the gold but I am a little worried that they only brought along three big men (Carlos Boozer, Dwight Howard and Chris Bosh). So if any of those players get hurt or in foul trouble the U.S. will be at a disadvantage size wise against big teams like Argentina.

However this will be exciting to see all of the great basketball players on the same court playing together. Kobe Bryant I believe will be the face of this team but Carmelo Anthony always plays well in the Olympics and Lebron and Dwayne Wade will be a great supporting cast on the perimeter. Carlos Boozer will be a big help inside to Howard and Bosh and Michael Redd will have free reign to hit three after three from the perimeter.

So now that the U.S.A. basketball team is assembled its time to sit back and watch them play against the rest of the world and hopefully bring home the gold medal. Best of luck guys!

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