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Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Greatest Olympian Ever

Michael Phelps. Enough said..Mister Phelps had a goal coming into the Beijing Olympics. To win eight gold medals and set 8 world records. He wound up winning eight golds and setting seven world records while becoming the the greatest olympian ever with 14 gold medals. He's only 23 everyone. That means he can compete again in London in 2012 and even after that if he so desires.

I was looking forward to seeing Phelps compete in these olympic games and made sure to catch everyone of his gold medal races. It was history in the making seeing him win each one and I am really glad I was able to witness the historic event unfold. Seeing him competing at such a high level and reaching all of his goals while being cheered on by all of America was a great thing to see.

What Michael Phelps accomplished definitely brought swimming to the forefront of America for a couple weeks in Beijing. Will swimming become a big sport in America? I personally don't think it will ever be able to compete with the likes of basketball, football and baseball but with Michael Phelps as an icon and ambassador for the sport anything is possible..

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