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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dee Booner

I am back! I know it's been awhile but I have finally gotten around to giving everyone historical insight on the infamous Dee Booner. Dee Booner was named by his parents after the legendary Daniel Boone. Daniel Boone was an explorer and hunter whose exploits made him one of the most famous frontiersman in American history. As Dee Booner went through life he began learning about the person he was named after and he wanted to follow in his footsteps and live up to the great legend of Daniel Boone. In grade school he would show up with toy rifles and continously tell his classmates how he was going to be a great hunter one day. Someone with the ability to kill all types of animals to provide for his family on the frontier. His classmates would make fun of him constantly as a result of him being "different" but Dee Booner didn't care. He stuck to his word and over time became one of the greatest hunters to ever live on the planet. Mister Booner is now 97 years old and lives in Montana. He still owns "Dee Booner's Hunting Shop" which is now run by two of his kids. There are still days when Dee will go outside, look around and think of all the great hunting expeditions he had. His dream now is to groom his grandson to be a great hunter and to continue the family tradition that he started. The moral of this history lesson is that you can do whatever you want in life if you put your mind to it. However if you enjoy hunting and living on the frontier you might be referred to as "Dee Booner" and now you know why...

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