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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Scallywags vs. Carpetbaggers

On my way to my friend Dan's wedding upstate New York this weekend I used the word "scallywag" when talking to my friend Mister David Mikulik about about girls who are conniving act. He laughed and was like, "Mister Martin where did you get that word from." So I decided to give him the originations of my word selection.

If you have ever watched the Irv Gotti reality TV show you would know what I'm talking about. But in case you haven't here you go. Irv and his wife are separated. He lives in New York City and she lives in New Rochelle with the 3 kids. Anyways one night Irv comes over and they get in a huge fight and his wife says you would rather choose your scallywags then your wife and kids so go be with them. I took a liking to the nature and feeling that came from the word. It just felt like a good way to describe a dishonest person :) Thus my use for the word scallywags came to be.

Dave and I decided to get the real definition of the word so we looked it up. A scallywag was a white southerner who supported Reconstruction policies after the American Civil War (usually for self-interest). Dave then was like so they can also be like a carpetbagger. When he said this it cracked me up because again here was a word that would be good to describe a dishonest person as well. A carpetbagger is an outsider who seeks power or success presumptuously. After the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the North tried to take over the South.

Thus Mister Mikulik had coined the word carpetbagger for use in describing dishonest, conniving people. The great thing about these two words that they describe the dishonest people of the North and South after the Civil War. I told Dave there is nothing like building the ever growing vernacular we use with each other on a daily basis with our group of friends. So I urge you all to enjoy the usage of these two words when dealing with dishonest people. I guarantee you that if you use this word it will make the person stop and really think about what it means in relation to them. Thus thats part of the enjoyment! haha.

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