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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Corporate Retreat in Mexico

Our company took a corporate retreat in mid January to Akumal,Mexico. This being my first time out of the country I really didn't know what to expect. On the flight to Cancun I slept most the of the flight(except for the last 20 minutes or so). This is what usually happens whenever I am on any type of transportation, whether train, bus, airplane, passenger in a car,etc. I just get really comfortable and just doze off...When we landed we went to Avis and got our rental car and headed down to Akumal from Cancun. And the following is how our trip proceeded:

Day 1: We got to the villas we were staying at in Akumal about 2pm. The weather wasn't that great but the villas were beautiful. They had this relaxing feel to them and scenary was beautiful. They were located right on the beach and the view was picturesque. Our co-workers from our other office got to the villas later that evening so we all had dinner together and then chatted and headed off to get some rest.

Day 2: This was a fun day. We went out on a catamaran and did some fishing. Now I have been on boats before but this boat was rocking back and forth with the waves and made me a little woozy. Seeing Dave throw up didnt help the sea sickness that I was starting to get but luckily I got through it without heaving. We later went to a beautiful cove where the water was acqua blue and the view was amazing. It was just soo beautiful.Relaxing on the beach and having a quite tasty lunch were a plus.

Day 3: Today was "survivor" day for me. See we went to the mayan village where I thought we were just going to go hiking. However extreme sports got thrown into the mix and we had the option to do zip lining across a cenote and rapelling down a cenote. The former was too scary for me. I hate heights so everyone else went except me. I felt bad for not going but hey man my fears of heights are too great. Now when we got to rapelling down into a cenote I felt bad about not doing the zip lining so I did it. My heart was racing but everyone was supportive and I have to admit the rush of adrenaline I felt whiling heading downward into the cenote was a great experience. It was the first time I ever tried something like that.

Day 4: This day was a lot of fun because we were able to go off and do whatever we wanted. So a group of us went to the crocodile zoo which was quite the experience. We walked down a path where there were crocodiles on either side and they could've come up to us and bitten us or taken a leg off if they wanted to. I was scared out of my mind but having the other people there walking down the path made it a lot easier. After the zoo we went to Playa del Carmen. What a beautiful place..We walked down fifth Street which is the main shopping/tourist area which was fun. It ran parallel to the beach which was beautiful. After some walking we wound up going to a lounge place to watch the Packers game against the Seahawks in the snow.

Day 5: We hungout around the villas until about 11 and then headed to Cancun airport. Our flight was great in that we were able to see the Giants vs. Cowboys playoff game in its entirety on the flight. Was definitely a nice way to end a beautiful corporate retreat.

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