Mister Hizzle Welcomes All

I would like to thank you for visiting my site and I hope you enjoy the different topics I discuss as well as personal interests in my life.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Deion & Pilar Sanders Show

I have to say this is my new favorite reality show. I am not huge on reality shows but when I saw the first episode I just could not stop laughing. Deion Sanders is just a funny guy. His wife Pilar tried to get him to make the bed and Deion was like "I'm tired, gotta rest up for work" His wife proceeded to say his job of picking a NFL teams for the upcoming week's games was not hard. They wound up making a bet to see who picked the winner in more of the games for the upcoming week. One funny thing was when Pilar said I pick the Bengals because I like Ocho Cinco(Bengals wide receiver Chad Johnson). Deion responded by saying "You better watch yourself before I go Ike Turner on you." Pilar responded saying "I'll go Lorena Bobbit on you."

Another funny scene on the Deion & Pilar show was when his daughter was going on a date and her date showed up. Deion answered the door with a baseball bat and said "I haven't swung a bat in years." It was funny to see how Deion was all protective of his daughter.

Anyways future episodes should be quite interesting.

My Name is Josh Howard

Ok. So each year there are a few "DF" plaques that I hand out. DF stands for Dumb and a word that rhymes with truck...get my drift? haha.

Anyways I have to say the most recent winner of this award is Josh Howard, small forward of the Dallas Mavericks. Late last week Josh Howard decides to go on a radio show to CONFIRM that he does smoke marijuana during the offseason as was reported by someone in a newspaper article.

First off why would you go on air and confirm that you do something that is illegal? It makes no sense. Howard should have just ignored the allegation and said that the reporter was making things up and over time the story would have dissolved. Instead he goes on the Michael Irvin radio station and confirms he does marijuana during the offseason. It's illegal Josh? Do you not get it? Now he is going to have to answer to the NBA office with more stringent drug testing for him and maybe entering a rehab program. Also when he plays on the road fans now have something to heckle him about and when he plays bad at home he will be booed. Basically any bad performance will be attributed to him smoking marijuana for some time until fans "forget" about it.

Secondly the other issue that didn't make sense to me is that he said there are a lot of other players in the NBA that he knows that smoke marijuana as well. It's fine for you to implicate yourself Josh but to also throw others under the bus is just not cool. This will hurt the image of the NBA which has a predominantly black player base.

Overall I think the way Josh Howard handled the situation made no sense and rightfully so he was deserving of a DF plaque.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Quote of the NBA Playoffs Thus Far

"Better learn not to talk to me," Bryant said of Smith's jabbering. "You shake the tree, a leopard's gonna fall out."

This quote was initiated by the following:

Kobe Bryant had just hit a three pointer to give him 46 points for the game and put the Lakers up by 17 with two plus minutes remaining in the game. While Carmelo Anthony was shooting free throws Kobe walked by Marv Albert and Reggie Miller (the sideline announcers) and pulled out his imaginary six-shooters and blew them off. He was trying to cool himself off as he had been torching the Nuggets all game.

Well JR Smith a.k.a Mister Smiff said something to Kobe which only made Kobe mad. On the next possession Kobe went at Smiff and got a layup and one to get to 49 points.

Moral of the story is when a superstar like Kobe or Lebron are scorching hot. Don't say nothing to them. How much more you want to be embarassed?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


As I look at life up to this point its been a journey filled with choices and unexpected paths. When I look at the the experiences I've had I'm thankful because they have helped mold me into the person I am today.

When I was a kid I remember I loved to play baseball. I used to play everyday with Jeremy, my neighbor and still great friend today, and my brothers. However one day I started playing basketball and I just loved it. Its funny that I used to tell everyone that I didn't want to play baseball so that I could just shoot baskets in Jeremy's backyard. It was a way for me to just do something that made me really happy and was a ton of fun. My brothers and friends always thought it was weird and boring just to shoot jumpshots by yourself but I'm a pretty independent person so I felt right at home. So the first part of my life was pretty much filled with playing sports all the time with my friends and brothers and doing mandatory schoolwork :)

When it was time to go to college another decision had to be made. Which college should I choose? When I look back on that decision, it's one that definitely shapes your life in a significant manner. The friends you develop, the people you meet are pretty much dictated by this one decision for about 4 years of your life and also growing up and gettting prepared for the "real world" is affected by this decision. I chose Cornell University because on my basketball recruiting visit I felt comfortable and at ease with the students and I loved the campus. As I look back on my time there I am really happy I made the decision I did. I met some great people and was continually challenged in my studies.

After college another significant decision had to be made. Where should I work? That was probably one of the toughest decisions for me to make because it was going to be my first job and my first time being out in the real world working for a paycheck and paying my bills. There were a few things I knew I wanted. A challenging job, nice work environment and an place where I could learn a lot. I eventually chose to work at a small financial advisory firm in New York City that I still work at since graduation. My job has been continually challenging, I have great co-workers and feel like I am still learning each and everyday.

The times I had as a kid were fun and carefree. Playing basketball into the wee hours every summer day were something I loved. I didn't have a care in the world. As a kid you don't have a lot of responsibility and that is something I really enjoyed. Having to focus on school and play basketball was easy.

As a young adult things are different now. Priorities change. Now in a position to use my education to work I always try to work as hard as I can and just challenge myself each and every day. I look at life now as an everyday challenge. From work to dealing with different situations I've learned you have to be able to adapt quickly and make adjustments. At times this can be difficult but I look at life as one day segments.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

40 Games in 40 Nights

Soo...It's approaching! TNT extravangza. 40 games in 40 nights. The basketball playoffs are here come Saturday! This is the best time of year I must say. And it's even better this year as the western conference is gonna be one huge battle. The Golden State Warriors didn't make the playoffs and they won 49 games!!!Its gonna be a barn burner. The reason the playoffs are great in basketball is because its when the the superstars decide to show up and do their thing each and every night because they know its do or die. There is no second chances as the losers go home and then on the TNT show Charles Barkely, Kenny Smith and Ernie Johnson do the "Gone Fishing" skit for each team as they get knocked out. Seeing Lebron, Garnett, Kobe, Dirk, Shaq, Amare aka Standing Tall and Talented (S.T.A.T.)and a cast of other characters is always a good time. So sit back and enjoy. I know I will!

Eating Healthy

So I'm the type of guy that used to eat burgers, fries, drink soda and all that good stuff that we all love to have at times. I used to validate my eating habits by working out hard. I felt like if I worked out hard I could eat what I want and still maintain a decent fitness level. However one day I decided to challenge myself. My main goal was just to eat healthier. I didn't want to go on any crazy diet but I just wanted to challenge myself to eat healthier and see what would come of it.

At first it was hard. I must admit. Lets start with lunch. Usually for lunch I would eat a burger or something that was meat dominant. I changed over to eating more salads and fish(I love salmon and shrimp). The change from meat to more fish was easy because I enjoy fish a lot. However having salads some days was hard because I would still feel hungry. So I started getting chicken caesar salads which satisfied my meat craving. However I still feel like I am eating healthy for lunch which is good.

For breakfast I try to eat oatmeal or having healthy cereal, some type of fruit like a banana or a nutra grain bar. I feel its get me going and satisfies my hunger in the morning.

Dinner used to be my biggest meal but now lunch is. For dinner I will have a salad or make myself an omlette. It's usually nothing too big. I used to eat big meals at night and then go to sleep and it felt like there was a lead pipe in my stomach at times..haha.

Snacks are my favorite meal of all. In the past I used to eat more candy bars, potato chips, etc. Now I try to eat more healthy alternatives instead. Some of the main things I love to have are any type of nuts, smoothies, pineapple and celery. I also love raspberry sorbet. I have to say it's one of the best tasting things I've had and it's healthy.

Don't get me wrong though I still splurge once in awhile but I think I have been doing a really good job overall. So what have I learned from changing my eating habits? Well I feel that it's not hard to eat healthy as long as you find healthy foods that you like. That's the key. And you also need to have the healthy choices available on hand when you are hungry so you don't wind up making an unhealthy choice to satisfy hunger pangs. I never thought I'd think this but it's actually enjoyable to shop and eat healthy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Exciting Western Conference

Seriously, can the NBA get any more exciting than what it is right now in the Western Conference? There has never been a time when soo many key games are being played on a nightly basis as the season winds down. You have three teams: the Mavs, Nuggets and Warriors and one of these teams will not make the playoffs..But hey only 8 can get in so thats the way it goes. I am just soo excited for the playoffs to begin in two weeks. Each of the first round matchups in the west will be a thriller in my opinion. Not that the Eastern Conference isn't fun to watch but the West is the West. Enough said.. So buckle up and get ready for upcoming playoffs which should be memorable!

Harlem Wizards Game

So a few weeks ago that 98 state championship team from westhampton beach gathered once again for a charity basketball game at the local high school against the Harlem Wizards. Now we really didnt know what to expect..All we knew was that we would be playing one quarter against the Harlem Wizards while the rest of the game would be the Wizards playing around with the westhampton beach teachers and students.

Personally it was my goal to not embarass myself. haha. I just wanted to fit in and put in a serviceable effort as I had really not been playing ball much more than once a week and that had only been for the past couple months. However I knew my game was good enough to play with these guys somewhat.

Jermain and I headed out to the Hamptons early and most of us got to the high school early to get some shots up. So by the time game time rolled around I felt pretty comfortable with my shot. I couldn't believe how many people came to the game. Literally there were people sitting on the baselines 3 deep and also the stands were packed. The place brought back memories of how we used to pack the gym back in the day when we played.

When we all got on the court for that quarter against the Harlem Wizards I was a little nervous. But once the ball was thrown in the air i felt a sense of relief come over me. Maybe it was because I was playing with my old teammates or because I was in a familiar environment. Granted we weren't in the best of basketball shape but getting that first pass from Dwayne and hitting a long three and hearing the crowd go crazy and see my teammates excited just like old times was priceless. It was a feeling I cannot describe, just one full of enjoyment. Seeing Jermain hit Dwayne with that alley-oop pass for the throw down and hearing the crowd roar was awesome. Seeing Mike Ford bang down low and score and Jeremy do his thing with ball was just awesome to experience again.

It was such a great time. Great to see everyone and play for a charitable cause. Lots off money was raised which was most important but for an experience I would have to say this was one I will remember the rest of my life.