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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Eating Healthy

So I'm the type of guy that used to eat burgers, fries, drink soda and all that good stuff that we all love to have at times. I used to validate my eating habits by working out hard. I felt like if I worked out hard I could eat what I want and still maintain a decent fitness level. However one day I decided to challenge myself. My main goal was just to eat healthier. I didn't want to go on any crazy diet but I just wanted to challenge myself to eat healthier and see what would come of it.

At first it was hard. I must admit. Lets start with lunch. Usually for lunch I would eat a burger or something that was meat dominant. I changed over to eating more salads and fish(I love salmon and shrimp). The change from meat to more fish was easy because I enjoy fish a lot. However having salads some days was hard because I would still feel hungry. So I started getting chicken caesar salads which satisfied my meat craving. However I still feel like I am eating healthy for lunch which is good.

For breakfast I try to eat oatmeal or having healthy cereal, some type of fruit like a banana or a nutra grain bar. I feel its get me going and satisfies my hunger in the morning.

Dinner used to be my biggest meal but now lunch is. For dinner I will have a salad or make myself an omlette. It's usually nothing too big. I used to eat big meals at night and then go to sleep and it felt like there was a lead pipe in my stomach at times..haha.

Snacks are my favorite meal of all. In the past I used to eat more candy bars, potato chips, etc. Now I try to eat more healthy alternatives instead. Some of the main things I love to have are any type of nuts, smoothies, pineapple and celery. I also love raspberry sorbet. I have to say it's one of the best tasting things I've had and it's healthy.

Don't get me wrong though I still splurge once in awhile but I think I have been doing a really good job overall. So what have I learned from changing my eating habits? Well I feel that it's not hard to eat healthy as long as you find healthy foods that you like. That's the key. And you also need to have the healthy choices available on hand when you are hungry so you don't wind up making an unhealthy choice to satisfy hunger pangs. I never thought I'd think this but it's actually enjoyable to shop and eat healthy.

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