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Monday, April 28, 2008

My Name is Josh Howard

Ok. So each year there are a few "DF" plaques that I hand out. DF stands for Dumb and a word that rhymes with truck...get my drift? haha.

Anyways I have to say the most recent winner of this award is Josh Howard, small forward of the Dallas Mavericks. Late last week Josh Howard decides to go on a radio show to CONFIRM that he does smoke marijuana during the offseason as was reported by someone in a newspaper article.

First off why would you go on air and confirm that you do something that is illegal? It makes no sense. Howard should have just ignored the allegation and said that the reporter was making things up and over time the story would have dissolved. Instead he goes on the Michael Irvin radio station and confirms he does marijuana during the offseason. It's illegal Josh? Do you not get it? Now he is going to have to answer to the NBA office with more stringent drug testing for him and maybe entering a rehab program. Also when he plays on the road fans now have something to heckle him about and when he plays bad at home he will be booed. Basically any bad performance will be attributed to him smoking marijuana for some time until fans "forget" about it.

Secondly the other issue that didn't make sense to me is that he said there are a lot of other players in the NBA that he knows that smoke marijuana as well. It's fine for you to implicate yourself Josh but to also throw others under the bus is just not cool. This will hurt the image of the NBA which has a predominantly black player base.

Overall I think the way Josh Howard handled the situation made no sense and rightfully so he was deserving of a DF plaque.

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